Sunday, January 17, 2010

Reality Check

I can't believe what a big deal is being made over former Pres. Clinton and Bush joining together to raise funds for Haiti. Do the people in the press actually think the majority of the American people are so stupid to believe that either party, Democrat or Republican, has all the RIGHT answers or is 100% right?

This is part of the problem in politics. If either side doesn't get things 100% their way they blame the other party for shortcomings and outright failure. The American people would be much more confident in government if they saw less finger pointing. It should not be a shock or history-making to have former presidents from different parties working together. Stop making out to be!! it is a good thing but should not be unexpected.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

CNN Opinion

I was watching Anderson Cooper's reporting on the tragedy in Haiti. One of the reporters implied rescuers were not assisting the poor but focusing on victims in a "posh" hotel. SHAME ON YOU!!! How dare you make this into a bigger tragedy by saying the people who went there to help are selecting who they help by reviewing their economic status first!!! There is no doubt in my mind there are many, many poor people suffering alone in places far away from the main focus of relief efforts. I do not believe this is due to people selecting those being helped based on social status. Aid is not reaching many of those in need. This happens for a variety of reasons, some of which are out of the control of those trying to help. There is no need to turn this into a "Jerry Springer" moment by playing on the emotions of people in crisis.

When I went to the site to leave a comment on the blog I noticed comments had been closed on several posts. It seemed as though it was as soon as there was disagreement with the politically correct view. One in particular was about profiling. Say what you wish, profiling is a tool that works!! It is not PC to support it and many times those in authority pass up opportunities to verify status just so they do not get into trouble with civil liberties, etc. The Ft. Hood shooter is a perfect example of people knowing he was crazy but not wanting to appear "racist." They did nothing!!!

Let's stop being so worried about being politically correct that we lose the chance to avert tragedy. It would be nice to have people who are not politically motivated sit down and objectively look at the systems in place now and streamline policies. It is for the protection of ALL.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Although I don't think I am racist, no doubt someone will say I am. I just heard Soledad O'Brien say young (3 - 5 yrs old,) non-white children who selected the white doll as the food doll over the dark skinned doll were racists. Furthermore they are racist because of television and society's influence. Give me a break!! I taught elementary school for 17 years. She is wrong. You wish you could influence children so young that directly and profoundly with subtle messaging. I remember my three year old son commenting a man was "dirty" when we were in line at a store. The man was Hispanic. I was upset and explained the error to him. He was OK with that and did not grow up racist. I did not plant the idea in his head back then either. We had no reason (or so I thought) to even discuss the difference in skin tone. There are many shades.

What about the grass is always greener on the other side? I know many white people who wish they had the ability to dance like black people they see. I know, there are probably white people who dance well but seriously I think black people are better dancers generally speaking. I don't mean that to be a dig. It's something I envy!! White people often go to tanning salons or lay out in the sun to get tan. No they don't get "black" but that isn't because they are racists.

All people need to stop overreacting to comments that were not made to insult or demean. I realize racism exists. Some of the things we do to fix the situation are I understand there were slaves and that was wrong. It was however the way things were years ago. Black people were selling other black people to white people. I don't want to be blamed for mistakes made 100's of years ago and I am tired of excuses being made for the lack of progress. Yes people of color have had a harder road but thing have changed for the better. Now you find examples of reverse discrimination. I seriously doubt white people will be able to use the same excuses for not getting where they feel they should be 100 years from now. AND THEY SHOULDN'T! We learn from the past and try not to repeat it. Civilization has evolved. Christians are no longer used for entertainment by being throw in with lions. Most countries have changed punishment for crimes to be more humane.

The world is not made up of one culture, one religion, one race. There are differences and each country, religion and race should take pride in their individualism. The best way to prove racists wrong is by achieving more or performing better than those who put you down.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


It will be unpopular but profiling is going to happen. Stereotypes have developed because of trends. The fact is TSA workers randomly select people they know are not terrorists just to keep people from complaining about being profiled. My 91 year old father was pulled aside and given a full body search. Because of his hearing disability he was treated like a criminal. I had to keep telling him to calm down. He did not understand what was happening. You cannot convince me any TSA worker truly believed he was a threat. I have traveled plenty with my children. I have been singled out because my flight was cancelled and, since my new flight arrangements were made last minute, marked for additional screening measures. I did not choose to make my flight arrangements last minute. The airline did it but I was still selected. I remember one screener asking what was in a box and requesting we unpack it. You could see it was a model of a ship. We had been to Europe on a cruise. I thought he was an idiot but I did not complain. If I were someone other than a white female I could have made a stink and claimed "profiling." Personally I believe you need to have profiling. If TSA were paying any attention they would have stopped the Nigerian for NOT HAVING LUGGAGE on a transatlantic flight. Think about whether or not the workers felt they would be "profiling" a Nigerian for additional security checks and passed him along so they would not be ridiculed. Honestly I don't think that was what happened but some lawyer will no doubt use an excuse similar for the complete failure to use common sense!