Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Additional Info on Health Care Worker

I need to update the situation with my father's home health aide. She decided to not come back after my vacation. Supposedly it was due to her feeling badly about letting me down. She did feel fine about calling and asking if her brother in law could pick up her sheet so she could get paid for (3) hours. I truly tried to give this person every benefit of any doubt. The fact is she had missed time prior to the respite time. I had told her and her supervisor that I was not trying to be difficult and wasn't making a fuss about 1/2 hour here or there and a missed day occasionally. I implored them to make sure no time was missed while I was away. The supervisor said she was going to make a home inspection to keep the aide on her toes. That never happened although once my father had fallen and I called everyone in the chain of command the aide's direct supervisor did show up. I also wanted to add that my father lost 6 pounds in 5 days prior to the fall. When I left I had made egg salad, stocked the frig with hot dogs, meals that only needed to be microwaved and frozen dinners. There were enough for two weeks. After one week all food was gone from the refrigerator and yet my father had lost 6 pounds. I have no explanation for this. I was told by one of the neighbors that spent time at our house visiting during my break that the aide was rather rude. She walked in, never spoke to the visitor or my father. The guest said she walked around the house for a minute and left. Obviously my father did not get his meal that day. I suspect the aide did not want to come back to the house because it is difficult to face the person you screwed. She may not have been prepared to be faced with getting caught not doing her job. Of course her supervisor will most likely send her to another person's house. I hope they have a better experience. Anyone who depends on health care workers for assistance needs to be very careful. Be vigilant and hopefully have another person observe what goes on. It seems you can't get dependable people. I am amazed at who is able to get home health care jobs. Be aware of the potential for problems.

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