Thursday, November 19, 2009

Politically Incorrect

There has to be some way to deter uncivilized people from committing horrific crimes. This Shaniya Davis case screams for changes in our justice system. There is NO DOUBT she was raped by the man who admitted kidnapping her. His DNA was found inside her. She was 5 years old. IT WAS RAPE. I don't even want to debate the murder charges or if in fact the mother gave the child to the man to settle a drug debt. The fact is he had sex with a 5 year old. No trial necessary. I don't think he is a pedophile in the clinical sense. I'm sure he has had sex with men, women, young and old and possibly animals. He has nothing else to do with his energy but #@!! and consequences be damned. I truly believe we could deter animals like him from preying on innocent victims if he thought for one minute he would lose the thing that drives him. God forgive me for this but I am enraged. He should have his penis split. He has no mental illness he has no conscience. He just wants sexual release and apparently can get aroused by just about anything, even a non-sexual child. He isn't drawn to children only. He may have just be trying it out. Yes he is a sick SOB and there are many other people out there who do horrible things without ever having to worry about consequences that hit them where it matters. Maybe if they thought they would never be able to have sex again they would see the risk was not worth taking and other innocent children or adults could be spared the agony of rape.

I will go back to my core belief. We need to instill values and ethics in our children from day one. We need to re-sensitize society so everyone has an understanding of how their actions effect others. It will take generations I'm sure. We have not gotten to this point overnight and the damage cannot be undone quickly but we NEED TO TRY!! Perhaps physically demonstrating the pain cause by raping a 5 year old or setting fire to a person would be going too far. If children understood this was unacceptable and put themselves in the victims shoes for a minute perhaps they would be less likely to grow up to be act without conscience.

Yes there will still be true mental illness but it is time we stop letting people cop out with that excuse. Just because you choose to do wrong does not mean you have a mental illness. You simply don't care. When this happens, and can be proven beyond any doubt as with this five year old girl, punishment should be swift and to the point. I do believe other scum would be less likely to commit these acts if they thought they would have to endure even a small percentage of the agony they cause.

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